Getting to the heart of who we are…

Molly Fisk’s great gift is the ability to communicate and inspire a kind of radiant joy.

— Claudia Mills

Welcome! I’m Molly Fisk: poet, essayist, radio commentator, radical life coach. I write as openly and personally as I can about many subjects including love, death, grammar, small towns, lingerie, and the natural world. I was the inaugural Poet Laureate of Nevada County, CA, and an inaugural-year Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow.

My work is aimed at getting to the heart of who I am. That’s what I want for you, too. A distillation or paring away until you reach your essence. My life coaching comes out of the Radical Feminist Psychiatry and Transactional Analysis traditions, blended by Julia Kelliher into a practice called Skills for Change. I also help poets and short-form essayists polish their work.

Spending time with me will get you laughing, crying, and thinking. Look around the website and see how you’d like to connect.

photo by Ingrid Nelson

Molly’s new book of linked poems set in 1875, Walking Wheel, is forthcoming from Red Hen Press.

“…told with the intensity and rhythms of poetry, this familiar story becomes something altogether fresh—a place and time and way of being that, despite the distance from us, feels alive to its very bones.”
Molly Gloss, author of The Hearts of Horses and The Jump-Off Creek.

Upcoming Events

Molly is on vacation after a whirlwind National Poetry Month.


everything but the kitchen skunk cover
california fire & water cover
naming your teeth cover
houston we have a possum cover
using your turn signal cover
blow drying a chicken cover
the more difficult beauty cover
listening to winter cover


molly at scotts flat

I’m a certified Skills for Change Life Coach who runs groups and sees individuals, couples, and families privately. I hold an MBA from Simmons College Graduate School of Management and have run small businesses in the retail, financial, and creative sectors since 1978.


tulips ananda

Where Are We?

As many of you know because I talk about it all the time on social media, there are certain phrases and usages that drive me around the bend and other ones I completely adore. My preferences aren’t predictable, even for me. Sometimes I’ll forget all about them until an innocent stranger uses one and sets […]

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